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Bert Thompson

"You've got the good and the bad... I forget the bad parts."

Centenarian Veteran fought in New Guinea, WWII

Bert’s mantra is “You take it as it comes”. His positive approach to life has helped him live to the grand age of 104 years.

Born in Camperdown in the Western District of Victoria, Bert lived through the challenges of The Depression before enlisting in the army during WWII. He was assigned to the Second Fourth Army Field Workshops in Tobruk and El Alamein in North Africa.

Returning briefly to Australia he married his girlfriend, Yvonne, before heading back overseas, to New Guinea, and the War.

When he returned home after the War there were no jobs for him in Camperdown, so he moved to Yallourn, in Gippsland, where he worked for the State Electricity Commission (SEC).

Age in Video
104 years
Date of Birth
17th August 1918
Place of Birth
Camperdown, Victoria, Australia
Thanks To

Wendy Murray, Maree Belyea, Camperdown & District Historical Society

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